Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology Services

At SuperKids: Child Care & Gastro-Liver Clinic, we offer super- specialized Perdaitric gastroenterology and hepatology services under the expert guidance of Dr. Neeraj Kumar Rao. Our clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for children with gastrointestinal and liver disorders, offering a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. From managing common GI issues to advanced liver disease treatment and transplant care, we are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of our young patients through personalized, compassionate, and cutting-edge medical care.

Pediatric Gastroenterology Services

  • 1. Consultations and Evaluations
    - Initial and follow-up consultations for gastrointestinal disorders like Pain abdomen, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal distention, GER, GI Bleed, Pancreatitis, Difficulty in swallowing
    - Growth and nutritional assessments

  • 2. Diagnostic Services
    - Blood tests and laboratory evaluations
    - Stool analysis
    - Diagnostic Upper & Lower GI Endoscopy
    - Imaging studies (ultrasound, MRI, CT scans)

  • 3. Treatment Services
    - Management of GI disorders
    - Therapeutic Upper GI & Lower GI Endoscopy
    - Treatment for food allergies and intolerances
    - Nutritional counselling and diet management

  • 4. Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy
    - Endoscopic variceal ligation and sclerotherapy
    - Polypectomy
    - Foreign body removal
    - Esophageal dilatation
    - Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement

  • 5. Speciality Clinics
    - Celiac Disease Clinic
    - Chronic Liver Disease Clinic
    - Pancreas Clinic
    - Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic
    - Gut-Brain Axis disorder Clinic

Pediatric Hepatology Services

  • 1. Hepatology Consultations
    - Initial and follow-up consultations for liver disorders like Jaundice in newborn and children, hepatitis, metabolic liver disorder, chronic liver disease, liver failure
    - Pre- and post-liver transplant evaluations

  • 2. Diagnostic Services
    - Liver function tests
    - Imaging studies (FibroScan, liver ultrasound)
    - Liver biopsy

  • 3. Treatment Services
    - Management of viral hepatitis
    - Management of Portal hypertension related GI bleed
    - Management of chronic liver diseases (Wilson’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis, NCPF etc)
    - Management of Liver Failure
    - Nutritional support for liver disease patients

  • 4. Liver Transplant Services
    - Pre-transplant evaluation and listing
    - Post-transplant care and follow-up
    - Coordination with transplant centers

Supportive Services

  • 1. Dietary and Nutritional Counseling
    - Personalized nutrition plans
    - Education on special diets (High fibre diet, gluten-free diet, milk free diet, Low FODMAP diet etc.)

  • 2. Psychological Support
    - Counseling for children and families coping with chronic GI or liver conditions
    - Support groups and educational workshops

  • 3. Patient Education
    - Educational materials and resources
    - Workshops and seminars for patients and families

Additional Services

  • 1. Telemedicine Services
    - Virtual consultations and follow-ups
    - Remote monitoring and management of chronic conditions

  • 2. Clinical Research
    - Participation in clinical trials and research studies
    - Access to cutting-edge treatments and therapie

  • 3. Community Outreach
    - Health fairs and community education programs
    - Collaboration with schools and community organizations

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